EyeValue™ for Nonprofit Websites

Nonprofit EyeValue Website Study (NEWS)

How to get the most for Nonprofit Websites with a shared study that minimizes cost and maximizes learning…
The Treistman Group has developed a procedure that evaluates the visitor experience for  one nonprofit website with the added value of simultaneously comparing other nonprofit websites.

The study incorporates techniques such as eye tracking and in-depth interviewing from Joan’s seminal research on website effectiveness.  The analysis of nonprofit websites uses new measures to uncover…

  • website strengths, weaknesses, what is seen, what is overlooked, visitors’ actions on the site, and how they feel about it
  • recommendations for optimizing the visitor experience which in turn benefits the organization
  • specific accomplishments such as conveying information, generating donations & awareness
  • results and learning are identified for each nonprofit website and in combination with others

Nonprofits have the advantage of documenting visual (eye movement) behavior in terms of involvement and clicks, along with capturing attitudes and opinions that connect the dots between…

  • design
  • navigation
  • visitor reactions
  • website outcomes

Whether the organization is global, national, regional or local the Nonprofit EyeValue Website Study (NEWS) maximizes learning and minimizes the cost of the research, with …

  • proven research methods overseen by an acknowledged leader in the research industry
  • eye tracking adapted to research needs by Joan Treistman, an expert of eye tracking for over thirty years
  • in-depth interviewing conducted by a senior moderator, not using a structured questionnaire
  • video record of each respondent’s eye movements and actions
  • executive style report with illustrations of eye tracking results and verbatims
  • critical answers for marketing and digital teams regarding
    What?  So what? & Now what?

Four nonprofits (one organization can invite the others) can take advantage of sharing costs while expanding on knowledge and actions.  Each nonprofit will have the ability to examine reactions to its website and those of at least three others.

The short video of eye tracking attached instantly shows how significant the learning can be. Note there is no sound on the video clip. It is a recording of the eye movement (blue dot – gets larger with more time spent) of a visitor at the website, someone who’s trying to find some general information.

If you’re interested in learning more, email Us.

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